ASDA launch partnership with University of Leeds

ASDA and the University of Leeds are joining forces to measure attitudes towards sustainability.
In what is thought to be the largest ever study of its kind, researchers at the Yorkshire educational establishment will see how people across the UK feel about eco-friendliness and will create a number of affordable, low-carbon products in the process.
Dr William Young, director of the business and organisations for sustainable societies research group at the University of Leeds, said: “We’re looking at what will work for the mainstream customer and not necessarily those who are already committed to a ‘deep green’ lifestyle. This means working within people’s busy lives, desires and needs.”
The programme will run over the next two-and-a-half-years and will measure the reactions of focus groups and a panel of “everyday experts” – 7,500 customers who are regular shoppers at the supermarket.
A parliamentary reception will take place today (July 17th) to mark the launch of the scheme and speakers will include ASDA’s external affairs director Paul Kelly. Kwasi Kwateng MP and Dr William Young will also be in attendance.