Independent Scotland faces higher supermarket prices

Two supermarket giants have warned that grocery prices in Scotland will rise if it is granted independence in next year’s referendum. 
Both Asda and Morrisons said that the cost of doing business in Scotland was significantly more expensive, according to Reuters.
Britain’s supermarkets currently absorb the greater costs of operating in Scotland, such as higher transport costs, into their overall UK businesses. However, some believe it would be unfair to continue to do so if Scotland were to become its own independent country.
Andy Clarke, Asda chief executive, said: “The price customers pay for a pint of milk or loaf of bread is the same regardless of where they live in the UK.”
He did add that Scotland could become a “less attractive investment proposition for businesses” if it were to gain independence, and it would put “further pressure” on Asda’s costs.
Morrisons agreed with Asda, claiming that it was unfair for the English and Welsh customers to subsidise Scotland’s higher costs if independence was granted.
Sainsbury’s and Tesco declined to comment directly about potential price rises, with the latter assuring customers that its aim was to create the best offers, regardless of a referendum.