Up to £1.3 billion is being wasted every year by Britons who leave their household electrical products plugged in or on standby when not in use, according to new research.
The ‘Powering the Nation’ report by the government and the Energy Saving Trust revealed that UK homes are wasting much more electricity and money than previously estimated.
For example, each household could save up to £85 by simply switching their appliances off and not leaving them on standby – a practice which currently accounts for up to 16 per cent of the typical domestic energy bill .
The study of 250 households also showed that the UK watches 10 billion hours more TV than previously thought, adding a staggering £205 million to annual electricity bills, while Brits with dishwashers use on average twice as much energy as they do on washing machines .
It also revealed that single-person homes are using as much, and sometimes more, energy on particular appliances as family occupied homes, particularly when it comes to cooking and washing the laundry.
Commenting on the findings, Environment Minister Lord Taylor said: “As this survey shows we are using a lot more energy than previously thought.
“Manufacturers need to develop more energy efficient electrical products and help consumers save money and the environment.
“We can all do simple things like switching off our televisions, computers and other home electronics and save up to £85 on electricity bills each year.”