Morrisons has announced that all fresh beef sold in its nationwide stores is now fully British sourced.
Morrisons claims the move, which is part of the grocer’s continuing support for British farming, means it is now the only one of the ‘big four’ supermarket chains that has all its fresh meat and poultry supplied 100 per cent from British sources.
“This is really good news – the fact that one of Britain’s leading supermarkets is moving to 100 per cent British fresh beef will be tremendously encouraging to livestock farmers,” commented NFU president, Peter Kendall.
“It is a reflection both of the excellence of the product, and of the support it enjoys from British consumers, and as such sets an example that we very much hope all of the major supermarkets will follow,” he added.
More than 90 per cent of Morrisons’ fresh meat is currently processed in-house – a factor which Morrisons says has enabled the switch to 100 per cent British fresh meat to be made with relative ease and also gives the retailer close control of quality and provenance.
Chris Blundell, Morrisons’ corporate affairs director, said: “We are different from the other major supermarkets in that we specialise in food – we source and process fresh food ourselves and prepare it freshly in store .”
“We already sell only 100 per cent British fresh pork, lamb and poultry and this move to 100 per cent British fresh beef is part of our commitment to offering fresh, British sourced food wherever we can and supporting British farming .”
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