Sainsburys To Help Xmas Shoppers With Spend And Save Campaign

Sainsbury’s is to launch a Christmas rewards campaign in an effort to help shoppers save on festive goods in the run up to Christmas .
Under its ‘Spend and Save 26 Christmas’ drive, a direct mail pack offering a range of reward coupons is being delivered to Nectar card holding Sainsburys customers around the country, which it hopes will drive customers to visit their local store and redeem coupons through December and into the New Year.
The supermarket chain hopes to build Christmas shopping momentum while promoting the values of ‘quality, inspiration and value’ through its festive food offering.
Sainsbury’s direct marketing manager Mark Norman commented: “We wanted to give our customers the message that, whilst we offer great quality, it comes with fantastic value for money.”
“Due to the timing of this mailing we will be hooking into the theme of party food, which is being carried through into above the line campaigns. The coupons included within the pack also cover the main Christmas shopping weeks,” he added.
According to analysts, more and more retailers are using token and coupon-based promotions to attract cash-strapped customers to their stores.

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