2006 saw a trend for increasing car premiums, according to new industry research.
The last 12 months have seen car insurance premiums steadily increasing by 2.1 per cent, and motorists are now being encouraged to purchase Sainsbury’s car insurance premiums in order to cut costs and make significant savings .
Figures from Sainsbury’s new car insurance index found average premiums have increased by almost £10 in the year to January 2007 to £472.52.
Anyone under the age of 25 was subjected to the highest car insurance premium hikes, a rise of 5.8 per cent, while individuals in the ‘over-65’ group watched their costs reduce by 0.5 per cent.
The rising price of car insurance premiums has been mainly affected by the constant gender divide, which has seen men paying an average premium of £499.06 while women saved over £60 on the male counterparts by paying £434.46 for an average insurance deal .
Head of car insurance at Sainsbury’s Bank, Steve Johnson said, “It always pays to keep a close eye on your car insurance premiums and shop around to make sure you are paying a competitive rate because you could enjoy significant savings of over £100.”
Mr Johnson added that motorists could save up to £140 with Sainsbury’s car insurance premiums, with policies that offer a range of cover and benefits .
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