A personal loan is a convenient way of borrowing money from a bank or building society and repay it with interest over a set period of time. Taking out a loan is a serious financial commitment, which requires timely regular repayments.
Before you take out a loan consider the loan amount, duration and several other factors that affect repayments.
- Loan amount – how much do you need? Is it a large or small sum? Small sum loans usually come with a high interest rate, so you might be better off saving for it. A large sum loan will require a huge financial commitment, so you should consider your ability to make the repayment over the duration of the term.
- Duration of the loan (term) – the term you take your loan out for will affect the size of your repayments. The longer the term the more interest you will pay, but the size of your repayment will be smaller and the shorter the term the less interest you pay but it does mean you will have higher repayments.
- Secured or unsecured – this is a very important point to consider. A secured loan requires you to put down an asset for security, usually your home. This means that in the event that you are unable to keep up the payment the lender has the right to repossess your home. An unsecured loan doesn’t require any security from you which means this is a less riskier option for you.
- Interest rate – ensure that the interest rate is fixed and guaranteed for the life of the loan.
- Repayment period – do your maths and calculate which is the most cheapest and feasible period.
- Arrangement fee – some brokers will charge a fee, don’t get caught out.
- Default fees – in the event of non payment.
- Early settlement – are there any fees associated with early repayment.