Should you be happy with your current energy supplier and not wish to swap over, you can still save money and help the environment by managing your account online.
Hereby you can take advantage of some of the lowest prices on the market.
Making savings
Energy suppliers can save themselves a great deal of money by reducing the number of paper bills they send out, and each time you enter a meter reading online you save them the cost of sending out a technician.
Online account management saves energy companies so much money that they are very keen on transferring customers onto such popular schemes, with financial incentives.
What does managing an account online entail?
By just logging into your online account you can manage your account, altering payment details whenever you choose.
Hereby you cease receiving paper bills and you can be emailed when your payment is due.
You can also enter your own meter readings.
Thus you do not have to wait endlessly for an engineer to come out and check your gas and electricity meter, or risk overpaying an estimated bill if you were not in when the engineer came out.
What do you need for an online account?
You just need an active internet connection, an email address you use regularly and a standard credit meter to take your gas and electricity bills online.
Certain Economy 7 customers and those using a prepayment meter will need to have a standard credit meter installed prior to them moving to an online energy tariff.
Increasing energy awareness
It has been proven that entering your own meter readings increases your awareness of the amount of energy you use.
Once you have noted your meter reading after a month of normal energy use, attempt to consciously turn lights off when the room is not being used, switch off appliances at the plug as opposed to leaving them on standby and turn down your thermostat a few degrees.
When you enter your next meter reading online, you will see precisely the amount you have saved.
Tariff comparison
By swapping to paperless, online tariffs for which you pay by monthly direct debit, you can benefit from the most sizeable discounts, up to £200 plus on certain tariffs.