Student Loan Calculator

Use the student loan calculator to calculate how long it'll take to pay off your university tuition fees and how much will be taken from your wage a month based on your total income and student loan amount. Click here to check your student loan

Student Loan Entitlements - Fee Loans and Grants

There are several tuition fee and maintenance loans available for UK born students studying for their first degree. The information below assumes that you are applying for funding for your first degree and you are a UK citizen. Tuition Fee Loan Despite the recent raises in university tuition fees you will never have to pay a penny of this upfront if you are a UK citizen. Everyone is eligible for a loan to cover the tuition fee that you are charged each year. This money is paid directly to your university or college so you won’t see the money yourself. The maximum tuition fee for courses is currently up to £9,250 per...

Student Loans - What is a Student Loan?

Student loans are designed to help students pay for university and college tuition fees, as well as their books, rent and other living expenses. The amount of money you can borrow depends on whether you are studying full-time or part-time, and on your living circumstances. There are two types of loans: A tuition fee loan for full-time and part-time students A maintenance loan for full-time students only Unlike other types of loans, the repayments of student loans are deferred until the student is employed and earning above a certain amount. Additionally, the interest rate is charged at a lower rate. Once you are earning...

University Tuition Fees List

University Tuition Fees List The cost of tuition often varies between institutions, so it’s hard to say how much a course will cost in general. All figures below were provided by the institutions, who were asked for a typical fee. Some of these provided a range for their costs, which will be represented in the tables, while some did not provide figures. These figures are the latest available (2016/17), but are subject to change, with many set to rise in the near future. England and Wales table { font-family: arial, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; ...

Introduction of Higher University Fees in 2012-2013

With the introduction of new higher fees from 2012, the first thing to note is that students who started their course before 2012 will not have to pay the new higher fees. These students will carry on paying the lower fees based on the old system. New tuition fees From September 2012 universities and colleges in the UK public sector can charge new full time students up to £9,000 a year and new part-time students up to £6,750 a year. This does not mean that every university will charge the full fees but they have are allowed to charge up to this amount. How much will each university charge? Click here for a list of fees that...